ICN Facility usage policy

ICN board makes its facilities available to its various committees, as well as community members, to conduct events that are in accordance with Islamic principles.


  1. Any activity that is prohibited by state or federal statutes.

  2. Any activity that may violate the principles of good morals, manners, or taste, or be injurious to ICN’s buildings, grounds, or equipment.

  3. Any activity that interferes with any ICN-scheduled time for offering a given fard (obligatory) salah (prayer) in congregation in the Main Prayer Area or the Women’s Prayer Area.

  4. Any activity where minors are left unsupervised.

  5. Any activity that requires blocking of fire exits or bypassing ICN safety rules and regulations.

  6. Any activity that generates disturbing noise level to other activities taking place in the building

  1. For requests for ICN’s facility use, arrangements must be made no less than one week prior to the proposed date of use. Reservations for ICN facilities will be taken on a first come first served basis.

  2. Any ICN managed event/ program shall take precedence over all events/ program bookings. 

  3. All outside speakers at ICN facilities should be pre-approved by the ICN board by sending an email to board@icnmasjid.org

  4. The gym’s bookable hours are available in the online calendar on ICN’s website

  5. All the ICN facilities (including Ogden Gym) must be reserved by the event coordinator.

  6. Requests for ICN Ogden facility during school (Al-Noor Academy) hours will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  7. ICN facilities can be reserved for azza/condolence visitation, and the host can make arrangements for light snacks.  Note: No group Quran recitation.

  8. ICN Board reservation requests will take priority over any other scheduled events.  One week advance notice is required to inform the committees if any schedule changes need to be made.



  1. All programs and activities must be conducted in accordance with basic Islamic principles and in observance of the local laws.

  2. DRESS CODE: The Islamic Center of Naperville primarily serves as a place of worship. Whoever attends an event here, whether it be for worship or not, should observe dress that is modest, respectful and not revealing.

  3. There should be one contact person from the committee that owns the event and is present and reachable via cell phone throughout the event.  This person will communicate solely with the ICN facility representatives to minimize confusion about any issues.

  4. No event being held in the Main Prayer Area or the Women’s Prayer Area will be permitted to interfere with any ICN-scheduled time for offering a given fard (obligatory) salah (prayer) in congregation. (Prayer times are listed on the Calendar on the ICN website.) The event must stop at least ten minutes prior to the salah and room must be made for all congregants. (No one participating in the event has the right to turn anyone away from any of the prayers or demand people pray in certain locations) 

  5. Sisters are permitted to pray in the main prayer area behind the men, with or without a barrier, or in the designated area for sisters.

  6. It is permissible for men and women to sit with the arrangement of front (men) and back (women) or side by side with an aisle (minimum of 5 feet separation) for walking for classes/events/and educational programs. Sisters who want to have more separation will be accommodated. ( 50% TBC)

  7. It is allowed for speakers to address mixed gatherings/crowds. All speakers are expected to maintain Islamic guidelines of dress and etiquette (responsibility of the organizers to convey this to the speaker). Speakers must be pre-approved.

  8. Men should enter ICN facilities from the main entrance or gym.  Women can enter ICN facilities from any entrance. 

  9. It is prohibited to attach or affix any signs, displays or materials to a facility without approval from ICN.

  10. Only designated pre-approved people can operatetouch the A/V equipment which includes T/V monitors in different locations.

  11. Nasheeds without instruments will be permitted. 

  12. Out of respect for the sanctity of the Masjid, intermingling between genders in common areas and corridors should be avoided.

  13. Students and children should not be left unsupervised (Supervision is the responsibility of the respective parties and groups)

  14. Parties are responsible for removing all trash and moving it to designated receptacles. Furniture should be returned to its proper places. ICN committees should store their items in designated areas only.

  15. It is required for the event organizers and participants to follow all the posted signs and follow the instructions of ICN personnel responsible for overseeing the event.


  1. Nikah performed at ICN must follow all state and local laws.

  2. For nikah arrangements, brothers will be in the main prayer hall and sisters will be in the sisters’ section. If parties would like to be in the same hall, then the gym at Ogden or the basement at 75th can be rented for this purpose, with men on one side and women on one side with at least 5 feet separation between two sides. At 75th if men and women would like to be in the same hall, the main prayer area can be used, but the sisters would sit behind the men in their respective and allocated sections. 

  3. For serving foods and snacks please check with ICN for additional fees and restrictions on a per 


  1. For the gym/s operating hours please check ICN’s website

  2. During prayer times, all the activity in the gym needs to be stopped.  Muslims should join the prayer with the congregation and resume the gym activities after the prayer.  

  3. ICN members can invite non-ICN guests to participate in activities held in the gym. It is required that the ICN member be onsite with their guests. 

  4. Inappropriate behavior with team members and ICN administration will result in immediate expulsion from the gym.


  1. Third parties must come through an official reference connection to a Board member, committee chair, or staff member

  2. Third party must submit a special request form for program and event approval to admin@icnmasjid.org

  3. The total cost of the event and the event’s benefit to ICN must be identified in the form

  4. Its best for an event to be requested at least 7 days in advance

  5. Availability is based upon the empty slots on the online calendar on ICN’s website, this will operate on a first come first serve basis

  6. There cannot be any duplicate booking of events, if a slot is already take then the individuals/group must accommodate and book for another time slot

For the safety of the ICN community, ICN employs camera surveillance equipment for security purposes. This equipment may or may not be monitored at any time.

Surveillance cameras will generally be utilized only in public areas where there is no “reasonable expectation of privacy.” Public areas may include building entrances; hallways; parking lots; office rooms; gymnasiums; prayer halls; and any area that is accessible.

Surveillance cameras are not installed in “private” areas such as restrooms, changing areas, and private offices (unless consent by the office owner is given).


The applicant hereby agrees to assume all risks for loss, damage, liability, injury, cost, or expense that may arise during or be caused in any way, in whole or in part, by Applicant’s use or occupancy of the ICN facilities used herein and surrounding property.

Furthermore, the applicant hereby agrees, at the applicant’s sole expense, to indemnify, defend and hold ICN and/or its officers, employees, and volunteers free and harmless from any loss, claim, liability, damage, cist (including reasonable attorney’s fees), and /or injury to persons and property that in any way may be caused in whole or in part, by or occur during the applicant’s use or occupancy of said properties and/or facilities.


If any individual or group of persons is found to be disrupting an event or causing harm to ICN or ICN facilities, the ICN Board or ICN designate assigned by the Board has the right to remove them from the facility immediately. 

Any violations of these policy guidelines may result in the immediate termination of the event, at ICN’s sole discretion, with no refunds available.  In addition, failure to abide by these guidelines may result in the Security Deposit not being returned, and prohibition of future use of ICN facilities