Funeral Services

Islamic Center of Naperville has a burial contract with Clarendon Hills Cemetery in Darien, Illinois.Gravesites may be reserved for future family use. As of this date, there are over 300 gravesites available for burial or reservation for future use.

All graves are Qibla-oriented.

Muslim Funeral Service(a licensed entity) carries on the funeral for the deceased in the community. When informed, their representative transports the body of the deceased from the place of death to either a state-authorized washing (ghusl) facility or ICN ghusl facilities at our 75th St location. After ghusl, the body is carried to ICN (or a masjid in the vicinity) for Janaza prayer, and then taken to the cemetery for burial.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Contact Information

  • Muslim Funeral Services

    Brs. Haroon Firdausi and Sulaiman Firdausi

    (815) 549 - 9400

  • ICN Funeral and Burial Committee

    Razi Uddin: (630) 441-0920

    Imran Baig : (630) 715-1220

    Masih Siddiqui : (630) 302-6274

    ICN Office : (630) 428 -3733

  • Clarendon Hills Cemetery

    Main office (630) 968-6590

    6900 South Cass Avenue, Darien, IL 60561

Funeral and Burial Procedure

1: Call Muslim Funeral Service to report the death and to start funeral process

2: Call Razi Uddin, Imran Baig or Masih Siddiqui for Janaza prayer and to get the grave ready for burial. We will note the necessary details of the deceased and convey the same to the cemetery

3: Co-ordinate with Muslim Funeral Services if someone from the family would join them in ghusl of the deceased

4: After the janaza prayer, you may follow the hearse, or go directly, to the cemetery for burial

Directions From ICN to Cemetery

From ICN ogden (or Olesen),go to 75th. Street, drive east,approx 14 miles from ICN Ogden. Make a left on Cass Avenue, the cemetery is on the left, 6 blocks north of 75th. Street. Upon entering the cemetery, take first right to arrive at the Muslim section

Costs of Funeral and Burial

Muslim Funeral Service’s basic fee is $1540 (could be more depending on the type of casket)