ICN Cub Scouts

ICN Cub Scout pack is a Journey to Excellence Gold Level Pack. Our pack has 100% Trained Adult leaders including, Wood badge, Cold weather camping, Outdoor Leaders Skills, CPR/ AED, BALOO trained leaders.
To know more about ICN’s Cub Scouts program, email to Pack99Admin or visit Pack99 Portal
75+ Cub Scouts
20 Cub Scouts earned the Arrow of light last year
16 Cub Scouts graduated to Boys Scouts in 2017
27 earned Bismillah Religious Emblem Award
12 Cub Scouts earned Nova Award
Some Highlights:
Cubscicle – Learning lifesaving skills and having fun outdoors during winter
Outdoor Camping, Hikes on forest preserve trails
Pinewood derby car race and Raingutter regatta boat race, Water rockets.
Learning how to Cook outdoors, First Aid, Knots, Flag etiquettes, Leadership, working as a team, Citizenship in Community.
Skiing, Tubing, Bowling and Skating
Selling Boy Scout Pop Corn, Camp Cards to fund Pack activities and contribute to Council fundraising.
STEM activities including KODU computer Programming.
Cleaning the Bolingbrook and Naperville Masjid grounds
DuPage County Adopt-A-Stream program, working together to improve DuPage County waterways will improve aquatic habitats, water quality and aesthetics.
Feed my Starving Children food packing
DuPage United in Diversity Memorial Assembly
In addition the scouts participated in many scouting activities including:
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