ICN 248th Masjid Project Updates

The WALLS are UP   8.15.2023

Basement Structure Complete


Steel infrastructure complete   7.21.2023

Footings and Foundations for the building complete   6.27.2023

Foundations for the south end of the building complete 6.6.2023

Concrete Pour in footings & Stormwater pipes install 5.10.2023

Forms of basement walls installed for concrete pour 6.2.2023

Footings & Foundation – Masjid Basement 5.4.2023

Qibla Direction Confirmed 4.27.2023

Excavation for Masjid basement 4.20.2023

Footing & Foundation permit approved and released

Sanitary Sewer Pipe Install & Masjid Basement Excavation 4.24.2023

Structural Steel Fabricated 4.8.2023